Sabtu, 06 November 2010


everything has changed now in my life, what is it ?yeah my life of course, my school, especially my friends whoa I miss my jhs friends #4tangsel25 uhuhuhuhu T_________T and because time is always spinning just like my last post(before this :p) I always try to join the changing of my life slowly............I can do this fast I miss jhs, shs is so hard now. Just it, I can't post everything in my bloggey or reader(s) will bored read my post hahaha goodbye.

MeinarPradita -xOXo

do you ever think I can wrote this ?

When the night turn light blue, I'll sit on the front porch all night and think about you all night. I love you, you are my life now. I love the way you look at me, touch me, and laugh with me. Can you imagine how happy I am to know that I love you ?you're the best thing I never knew I needed. Love you is like the world is in my hand, without you is like a circle with no center. I hope I can know you more than now. You hold me up so high, give me all your strength. I always ask why a star is always shining, why water always flow, why the world is always spinning, and why I always love you ? Maybe everyone said that you're the trash of the world(kinda crude huh ?)but I don't know why I never let you go. We're like venus and mars, but you're a harmony to every song I sing. You are heart of my body. Maybe it's not seen that I'm here for you, why you didn't realize it ?WHY ? You have blow my heart until it's almost explode, but you don't responsible your act.

So now it's so clear, I need you here always~

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

"I'm not perfect but I'll make everyone proud of me"

Rabu, 01 September 2010

ldk/llk osis/mpk2011♥

Hey bloggey, gue ikut ldk osis/mpk lowch horeee, jadi disana kita diajarin menghormati orang, kekeluargaan, berargumen dengan baik, inisiatif, dan tentu berorganisasi ehee banyak deh :D. Gue udah ikut ldk itu kira-kira sebulan lebih hampir 2 bulan-lah wess udah lama ya ?kata gua bentar bgt :C seiring ldk/llk udah hampir 2 bulan kita mulai kompak loh(baik ldk ataupun llk)karena kata mama(a.k.a kak icha :p) sama kakak-kakak yang lain kita satu keluarga :'D jadi anggep-lah mereka kakak kita. 4 hari lalu ldk/llk2011 abis ngadain acara bukber bersama alumni dan kita berhasil HOYEEEEEEE hmhmm gimana ya sebenernya sih ada yang kurang tapi insyaAllah tertutupi. Ohiya dalam ldk/llk ini kita punya mamapapa loh wkwk(kak icha & kak suryana a.k.a ardhi wkwk). This is my last words(I'm so confused what I've to post-_-) "keep our cohesive ya ldk/llk2011♥" aku sayang kalian♥♥

ini papa kita(kak suryana/kak ardhi)

ini cuma ke14 anak ldk2011

yang kiri salah satu kakak kita kak arum, yang kiri mama kita(kak icha)

MeinarPradita -xoxo

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010


HALLO (GO)BLOG wkwkwk bukan deng canda oenyoeh, eheh hallo aku udah sma tp umurnya masih aja 14 dan tingginya lama bett-,- oke sekarang gue beneran udah sma loh ckiciwkiwkiw kelas X.6 dan sebangku sama Sagita Rarasati (click it! if you wanna see my beautysweetybunny new chairmate ;D ) gue duduk di paling belakang gitu(oke gausah dijelasin yee)trustrus.....ohiya gue ekskul basket &..........IKUT OSIS LOH uyeah asikdeh, a minute ago my mom just said"#$^&*~(something private)ibu mau ikutin kamu kursus fotografi ditempat kt beli tas kamera,filter,dll itu yg cuma 1.5 jt(karena lu tau sendiri ya kalo mak gua mau kursusin gua di darwis modar ntar gua jgbayarnya coy-,-)" tata"IH ASIK YESYESYES aku mau tinggalin bee dah basket kalo beneran asikasik(jogethawairolldepanbelakang?)" HOORREEE ASIK NGGAK SIH ?HAHAHA asik ya ?kiwkiw aduh seneng banget hihihi :$ udahan ah doain jadi ya soalnya niat gue sma mau serius fotografi&osis hihi duduuu :***

MeinarPradita -xoxo

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

"yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, today ?today is a gift. But don't forget the past because past isn't for being forgotten"

Rabu, 30 Juni 2010


Why X-8 ?why not 7.4 ?or 8.5 ?or 9.3 maybe ?ok like 3 weeks again I'm going to be a shs student, I'm graduate and make my mom&dad proud(even I think my score is not to good). I am really proud of it and really proud that god shows me a way that I have to take the 'rsbi test' . Like I told you all that my score is not to good at all. It's so hard to leave my jhs life behind :'C I hope you all know that I love my jhs life so mucchhh, I love my fellas, I love my junior, and really really love my teachers even sometimes they're sucks :ppp. I really wanna thank to my chairmate(s) and at a time is my partner too jengjengjeng.......mayang->vera->sevelyn(7th grade chairmates)->anastasia->alone-,,- ->ucup->and at last alone again ;o(8th grade chairmates)->adeliaputri ALWAYS!!!she's always beside me when we're in the class, loveya adel♥_♥:*. And I wanna thank to my 'wk' there's Mrs. Nurlaelah, Mrs. Zahratul Jannah, Mr. Alam(taktaktaktaktak...)Tahrudin hahaha it's our yell when Mr. Alam get in our class :) but we're not used it anymore 'cause Mr. Alam not really like it, and all of my teachers Ireallyloveya. I wanna thank too to my bestbestbest since 7th grade taraa...sevelyn, lydia, nindy, amel(from 7th grade)kenna, ucup, vivin :* really love they since 8th grade, adel, icha,lila, uli, irvi, anakecil(astri), pungky, sofi, mayang, 9.3 crew other best ahaa so loveya all :"D . Last...I wanna thank to my friends, my junior, my best, my parents, and also my sist who support me until now I'm graduate from jhs hihihi I can't say anything. I loveya all :*

MeinarPradita -xoxo

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010


Holiday come, I've no friend left :C they spend their holiday without me, they're happy without me byebye friend :"D

holi-day / holly-day ?

hoy it's me hellooo, ini masih liburan dan liburan tinggal 2-3 minggu lg aaaaaaaaaa. Idk how to spend my holiday, is it with play or something I'm so confused -_+. Liburan gue 65% diabisin dirumah haa :OOO gue cuma online aja kalo ga dirumah muti kita dance-dance gajelas ya sama basket doang, ohiya yesterday was my first 3 point :) horeeeeeeeee asoy kan ye ?kmrn our(muti&tata)first 3 point selama brp taun gue demen main2 basket doang, akhirnyaaaaaaa. OK mau nyelesein seusatu yg gajelas gue h0h0 pasti kalo yang liat gue di twitter main syg2an atau aku-km sm cowok itu kesannya deketin NGAHAHAHAHA pdhl enggak kok bnr sama sekali-_- udahya ntar gua dikira nyindir hoho bubye

MeinarPradita -xoxo

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

evol & heart

heyyy, hi, hello hahaha itu adalah beberapa kata yg sekarang billa(ponakan tata)katakan kalo ketemu org hihi biasalah namanya anak kecil lg suka niru2^^ mungkin di China bnyk yg nyapa dia gitu, oke tothepoint.........sekarang lagi liburan dan liburan gue dihabiskan dgn main,main,main. Blm ada kata JALAN atau NGINEP sekalipun dalam kamus liburan kenaikan kelas tahun ini. Oke I'll say now Imissyou fellas :* "cie missyou siapa ta ?" pasti pd ngmng gitu tapi liburan kali ini gue bnr2 kangen banget yang namanya temen maupun itu temen sd, tmn smp, ataupun yg biasanya main dirumah. Akhir-akhir ini gue sama temen sd gue agak kompak, kenapa ya ?ohiya lagi pada ngga sibuk horeeee kita jadi seneng banget main dan gue baru sadar setelah dua kali ngumpul dan ngga canggung satu sama lain lg kalo gue kgn bgt main sama kalian, you know what ?apalagi dulu kita becanda barengnya asik huhuhu :" hope you all know that. Gue juga kangeeeeennnnnnn banget sama anak smpn 1 pamulang / skrng smpn 4 tangsel huaa, gue tau 3 tahun bukan waktu yang sebentar ataupun waktu yang lama banget juga buat kita semua kan ya ?gue punya banyak temen baik loh hihi♥ okedeh it's the end of my story today. I hope you all know 6 years and 3 years is like all my life spend there(lebe) but it's true, I♥♥♥my elementary school friend(s)&junior high school friend(s) so much

MeinarPradita -xoxo

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

handsome baby boy

hello fellas oke tothepoint ajaye :p ya masa gue......................lagi melting liat orang ganteng ouwch oke siapa itu ?ciecie jujur nggak ya ?yg mau tau tanya gue ajadeh hahahahahahaha dia temen gue gitu dulu skrng jg temen terakhir ketemu 2 atau 3 minggu lalu gue gajelas gt liat mukanya ternyata pas bener2 kmrn gue liat dia didepan muka gue persis itu.....ganteng he he heee sebenernya orang ini yang baru yg lama tetep dong :p ok I don't know what this feeling will be-_- oke seeya, goodnight


Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

boredom attacked me!

hell-ooo fellas, back with me :) long time no blogging ckiciw hee. You know what ?I'm on holly-day or holi-day maybe whoa fun is it ?but I don't think so, BOREDOM ATTACKED ME!!!I'm not finding a good way to spend it, it happens every holiday to me-_- ok I'm just blogging to tell you all that he he he :DDD goodbye xoxo

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

meet again

helloooooo bloggey long time no posting :)
sekarang aku kelas 9, di 9.3 maaf ya jarang posting soalnya sibuuuuuuk sekarang jarang online lagi dan blablalblaaaaa
ya gini mau cerita aja, sekitar dua mingguan lalu dira-kak wahyu putus, 6 hari kemudian chairmate dan pacar gue putusssss juga ooooooooohhhhhh ya mereka ber-empat bisa dibilang rada deket sama aku ya, aduh ga tega banget sih liat temen nangis. fine !aku gabisa ngelakuin apa-apa buat mereka cuma bisa nenangin(maybe) atau cuma sekedar a little bit hibur mereka. tapi...a little bit kesel gabisa diemin mereka nangis :'D maaf ya aku ngga bisa ngelakuin apa-apa buat kalian guys just keep smilling dira, adel I'll support you baby humhum
ya I have some problem with my best and I don't know what I have to do, sorry ya gabisa cerita panjang lebar. byebye bloggey see you later smoochy smooch


meinar pradita